
December 14, 2012

Anyone Can Run // How to Train for a 10k in 4 weeks

Awhile ago I ran my first 10k. I signed up with only 4 weeks to train and I created this schedule to get ready. You could follow this schedule just to push yourself to the next level of distance running.

Strength days: So important to add strength in your training. I would do these after running on the days I needed to do both. I listed examples of squats, lunges, calve raises, running hills, intervals, wall sits and abs. I gave myself lots of options, so I wouldn't get bored. I saved running strength for days I didn't need to run a certain distance. I'll break these down further.

  • Squats / Lunges/ Calves/ Wall Sits - I tried to do at least these on days after I ran. Give yourself a number to do and just do it. Don't make excuses, take breaks, but get them done.
  • Hills - Either find one in your neighborhood or hit the treadmill. Outside run the hill as fast as you can at least 4x. Give yourself 2-5minutes of recovery in between. On a treadmill, crank the incline up to the highest one and run it for 45 seconds, fast. Just stand on the sides during your recovery. 
  • Intervals - I LOVE Interval days. It breaks up the running and you can compete with yourself. I would do 1k repeats or 1 mile. Doing 1k repeats on the treadmill were my favorite. I'd warmup, run the .62 miles at 15 seconds faster than a normal race mile. So 7:45 pace if you run a normal 8minute mile. Then I'd walk until I'd hit a mile. And repeat. I did at least 4 intervals and on the last one I'd try to go faster. 
  • Abs - I use Nike Training Club app on my iPod. I love the 15 minute Ab Burner one. 
Cross training days : Meant to give your legs a rest. I love the elliptical or bike. Sometimes I'd do a Jillian Michaels DVD to change things up. 

Let me know if you try this out! Have an amazing weekend. 

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